10 Pieces of Advice for Surviving Coding or UX Bootcamp!
An acquaintance, who’s currently attending the same bootcamp I went to (hey, Ironhack), reached out for some advice-10 pieces of advice, specifically.
‘Well, okay’, I thought. I was at work and a bit busy, so I counted to ten as I rattled off words in a sort of stream-of-consciousness mode over slack.
Looking at that list now that a couple days have passed, I think it was more honest and spot on than if I tried to take the time to draft something. In any case, I thought I would share. Some (perhaps all?) points are a bit common sensical, but I hope they are helpful- even if only to serve as a reminder or anchor to anyone lost in the thick fog of bootcamp. I edited and elaborated on the list for clarity, rather than just dropping a jumbled mess with slight profanity and heavy typos here. Comment to let me know what you would add to the list!
- Prioritize networking events. I know, everyone says it’s important to network: go to meet-ups, attend talks or demos, put yourself places where you can meet people in the tech industry. Here’s the…