Published inHackerNoon.comHow to Create Navigation on ScrollA challenge Kolosek team recently faced was that we needed to create a navigation that shows only when scrolling up.Jul 24, 2018Jul 24, 2018
Published inHackerNoon.comTextarea Tag BustedThe textarea is HTML tag mostly used for messages and comments. It is very similar to inputs but because it provides an option to have more…Jul 17, 2018Jul 17, 2018
Published inHackerNoon.comCSS Box-shadow: There Is Something in the ShadowThe box-shadow property is used to add a shadow effect to an element.Jul 10, 2018Jul 10, 2018
Published inThe Startup10 Website Redesign Tips for 2018In 2018, a website is one of the most important representations of your business. It provides visibility, 24/7 accessibility and is proved…Jun 29, 20181Jun 29, 20181
Published inHackerNoon.comCSS 101: The Box ModelEvery beginner should first start with the basics. In the case of CSS, the basics are learning the box model. Before proceeding with…Jun 19, 2018Jun 19, 2018
Published inHackerNoon.comDebugging with GitWhen you are working on a huge project, you may discover bugs in the code that prevent you from proceeding any further in your development…Jun 18, 2018Jun 18, 2018
Published inHackerNoon.comAn Animation in CSS: When Things Start to MoveThe first step in using animation in CSS is the transition property. When predefined transitions are not enough or just not suitable, there…Jun 12, 2018Jun 12, 2018
Published inHackerNoon.comState Management in React Apps — Part IIf you know how to properly use JSX and how React components communicate with each other you are a true hero. However, you should ask…Jun 4, 20181Jun 4, 20181
Published inHackerNoon.comBasic Rules of RSCSS and BEM SystemsDuring Kolosek’s work on multiple projects there was often a confusion about how to use CSS properly. This document helped us and provided…May 24, 2018May 24, 2018
Published inHackerNoon.comWhen to Use Git Reset, Git Revert & Git CheckoutGit toolbox provides multiple unique tools for fixing up mistakes during your development. Commands such as git reset, git checkout, and…May 21, 2018May 21, 2018