Published inGeek CultureFive factors that would make NFT markets bloomIs NFT a scam or another big thing? Would it be a breakthrough like an mRNA vaccine, or would it rot as ICOs? Would the NFT market replace…Feb 15, 20225Feb 15, 20225
Published inUX CollectiveOur brains mess with us. Here’s how to employ this in UX designNobody wants to be fooled. Want to stand out and decide for yourself, not to be some manipulated sheep? Well, jump on board! Let’s begin a…Oct 31, 20181Oct 31, 20181
Published inGood AudienceCurrent UX Issues of the Blockchain TechnologyEmerging technologies require both high value and good UX to be successful. In fact, the popularity of a technology correlates strongly…Oct 17, 201814Oct 17, 201814
Mental Tricks in UX Design: Illusion of ControlDo you believe in destiny? Do you control your life, your decisions, your surrounding? Just imagine a scenario: scientists have invented…Dec 12, 2017Dec 12, 2017