Published inUX PlanetBrave NUI World: Rise of touch-less gesture controlLets talk about Graphical user interface(GUI). This is a form of user interface that for uses graphical icons and visual representations…Jan 9, 20192Jan 9, 20192
Published inUX PlanetApple Health of a Healthy HumanDo you own an iPhone but prefer to get rid of useless applications? Then, most likely, you’ve already tried to delete ‘Apple Health’…Mar 14, 20183Mar 14, 20183
Published inChapps FutureChapps Labs: Apple Health здорового человекаУ вас iPhone и вы любите удалять бесполезные приложения? Тогда вы уже пытались удалить Health от Apple? Это произошло из-за того, что…Jan 26, 20182Jan 26, 20182
Published inUX PlanetWhy Dribbble & Behance Are No Longer Suitable for Product DesignersMy name is Dmitry Chuta. Several years ago I established Chapps, during of its work the company has grown and achieved great results. For…Jun 6, 201714Jun 6, 201714
Published inChapps FutureПочему Dribbble & Behance не подходят сегодня для продуктовых дизайнеровТот, кто умеет экономить время пользователей, при этом решает их задачи — выигрывает.May 30, 201711May 30, 201711
Published inChapps FutureEverything changes and design community as well ⚡We all have been waiting for this event for a long time and on March, 30 we will launch initial presentation of our new product, which is…Mar 17, 2017Mar 17, 2017
Published inChapps FutureWhy designers rarely update their profile?We’ve decided to collect the current database of really cool designers from the whole world and while doing it we noticed the common…Feb 24, 20172Feb 24, 20172
Published inChapps FutureTop 5 Highlights from OFFF by Night AntwerpOFFF by Night is a branch event of the OFFF Festival Barcelona, which was held in Antwerp on September 22–24. The conference featured…Oct 12, 2016Oct 12, 2016
Published inChapps FutureAll your startup needs is law protection and legal supportWe are now testing an exciting new service for our clients — Chapps Legal Advisery service. Our experience shows that legal issues usually…Aug 4, 2016Aug 4, 2016
Published inChapps FutureChapps–The next big directionWe want to share some great news with you. Chapps will celebrate its third birthday very soon. But the main announcement is that we are…Jul 29, 2016Jul 29, 2016