Published inBootcampState of Gambling DesignWith American markets opening up, gambling design will be going through a renaissance soon. But where are we now? And what can we improve?Jan 19, 202253Jan 19, 202253
Top Resources for UX Designers in GamingAre you in a betting or gaming design job and looking to understand who you’re designing for better?…Oct 12, 202170Oct 12, 202170
Published inUX CollectiveResponsible Design — or how much responsibility do designers really have?Our lives are full of various experiences. But how much are we, as designers, responsible and accountable for the final products?Sep 6, 20211362Sep 6, 20211362
Published inUX CollectiveWhat makes a successful design team?A lot of people have pondered this question but did not come to a conclusive answer. Is it having the smartest people on the same team?Aug 14, 2021141Aug 14, 2021141
Где учиться на UX дизайнера?Хотите работать в сфере дизайна и разработки интерфейсов, но не знаете, где учиться? В этой статье я поделюсь полезными курсами и книгамиApr 24, 202136Apr 24, 202136
Published inДизайн-кабакКак успешно пройти UX собеседование в зарубежную компанию?Я работаю UX дизайнером в Великобритании уже несколько лет и в этой статье я поделюсь советами о том, как пройти собеседование на UX…Mar 17, 2021174Mar 17, 2021174
Published inBootcamp3 common misconceptions about betting customersHow well do you know your customers? Is there such a thing as a generic betting customer? let’s have a look at some popular myths…Feb 28, 202126Feb 28, 202126
Published inДизайн-кабакАнглийский для UX дизайнеровЕсли вы хотите подтянуть английский для работыFeb 8, 2021171Feb 8, 2021171
Published inДизайн-кабакКак найти работу UX-дизайнером за рубежом? На примере ВеликобританииМногие интересуются, как найти работу за рубежом, и я хочу поделиться моим опытом. Сейчас я работаю UX-архитектором в Великобритании, в…Jan 15, 2021128Jan 15, 2021128
Published inUX CollectiveGamification in betting -is it a thing?How many times in the last few months have you been in a meeting where gamification was brought up? Gamification in betting is a hot topicJan 6, 202131Jan 6, 202131
Published inUX CollectiveBuilding trust with UX —based on beauty industry examplesHow can UX help build trust for a brand and convert new customers into super fans?Nov 29, 202027Nov 29, 202027
Published inBootcampTop 6 books to make you a better UX ResearcherI love a good UX book and I am always looking for books that inspire and encourage me. Want to get into that mindset of being inspired and…Nov 19, 20205Nov 19, 20205
Published inUX Planet5 Tips for Running a Successful Online WorkshopWorkshops are an integral part of UX work. Now that we are all remote, do you miss whiteboards and post-its? Or maybe snacks and banter of…Oct 23, 202010Oct 23, 202010
Published inUX CollectiveDeconstructing Amazon Audible UXRemember the last time you got so annoyed at an app experience that you just gave up and quit? Amazon Audible was that app for me…Jul 15, 202031Jul 15, 202031
Published inUX Collective6 things I learned from doing betting & sports UXBetting is an ever-growing industry and there is a lack of UX resources about it. Those 6 things are there to help and hopefully inspire.Jun 2, 202033Jun 2, 202033
Published inUX CollectiveOur competitors are doing that, so we should too. Wait, what?!‘Our biggest competitor is doing this, I think we should add this feature too. Can you put some mockups together?’ — I am sure a lot of us…May 16, 202079May 16, 202079
Published inUX Planet3 Fun Team Activities for the LockdownIt’s been a few weeks of the lockdown and working from home — it’s time to have some remote team fun…Apr 19, 20201Apr 19, 20201
Published inUX CollectiveWhat’s wrong with the UX of ‘Learn a language in 30 days’?Or why do language app creators consider app UX but completely ignore the usability of the language skills they are teaching?Mar 11, 202064Mar 11, 202064
Published inUX Collective5 things travel apps should be good at — a UX analysisWhat can make or break your train travel experience? A train app can put you in a peaceful travelling state or leave you anxious and lost.Feb 26, 202070Feb 26, 202070
Published inUX PlanetWhy should you care about New York subway? Or the importance of good UX patterns.I love travelling. And I always try to get around fast and cheap. Some people are averse to the idea of public transport and try to Uber…Feb 18, 20201271Feb 18, 20201271