Published inBootcampWriting a resumé your hiring manager will thank you forIt is not the first time I am in the position of hiring resources to add to my team. It’s always exciting reading through resumés from so…Feb 28, 202163Feb 28, 202163
Published inUX PlanetWhat does it mean to study users’ mental model?Case study on designing a new Price Range Selector by getting to know users and understanding how they think.May 24, 201989May 24, 201989
Published inUX CollectiveThe power of Rapid PrototypingHow going back to the basics of sketching can one day save you!May 22, 20192602May 22, 20192602
A simpler login screen for Citibank mobile appAs a frequent user of banking mobile apps, I am always looking for a faster way to login and do my transactions be it transferring money or…Dec 14, 201783Dec 14, 201783
Building a better transport app (SMRTConnect mobile app revamp)We are coming into the 5th week of the course and we have finished learning all the skills that is needed to become a good UXer… so from…Oct 1, 201712Oct 1, 201712
UXDI8 /Project 2: Revamping of the Singapore Polytechnic WebsiteThis project focuses on one of the most important element in a website. The navigation bar. The navigation bar is the main tool we use…Sep 30, 20179Sep 30, 20179
Retrospective: Project 1 — Fitness BFFWe started UXDI classes last week on Monday with GA Singapore, and boy! has it been exciting. As a designer for the last 15 years, not only…Sep 3, 20173Sep 3, 20173
UXing for the next 10 weeksThey say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks… well, whoever who said that either never owned a dog or never tried using doggy treats to…Aug 17, 20171Aug 17, 20171