Published inBootcampThis Black Friday, Apple Lost My LoyaltyRemember those grade school brain teasers? “John has $17.15. If he buys…”Nov 28, 2020153Nov 28, 2020153
Published inUX PlanetBlack Friday 2020: It’s going to be totally different…here’s what you can do about itCOVID-19 has completely changed the world, permanently. Yet these challenging times have also presented an opportunity for innovation…Sep 26, 2020125Sep 26, 2020125
Published inAdventures in Consumer TechnologyThe Best Offline Apps in 2019There’s nothing more frustrating for mobile users than sitting on a train or bus and losing all connection to an app the second they…Feb 27, 2019267Feb 27, 2019267
Published inAgile Insider7 Essential Conversion Funnels For Mobile Product ManagersSome would say being a successful product manager comes down to how well you optimize your product experience and address your users’…Feb 6, 20197311Feb 6, 20197311
Published inFuzzFlaws in your mobile UX: Finding and fixing the problemsIn the past couple of years, the mobile app industry has shifted its focus from self-preoccupation to the users themselves, quietly…Nov 7, 20172391Nov 7, 20172391
Published inPlaybook by ChartboostMobile Gaming UX: 4 Essential tips and tricksIf you want to deliver a great mobile game user experience, you must first understand what your gamers are like, and what they need. Some…Apr 9, 2017200Apr 9, 2017200
5 Easy Initiatives to Dramatically Improve Your App’s UXLet’s face it, if you want to create a successful app in today’s ultra-competitive mobile ecosystem, you must possess a thorough…Jun 28, 201631Jun 28, 201631