Published inUX PlanetKan, Your time solution — UX/UI Case studyUX/UI Case study about the job organization and studies in our houses during COVID-19Jul 12, 2020Jul 12, 2020
Published inUX PlanetEl mundo olvidado de las flores y las plantas — Case StudyDesign Thinking en remoto — Parte de conceptualizaciónMay 22, 2020May 22, 2020
Published inUX PlanetEl mundo olvidado de las flores y las plantas — Case StudyDesign Thinking en remoto — Parte de researchMay 21, 2020May 21, 2020
Published inSprint StoriesThe new age of Design Sprint… remotely! Loneliness UX case studyHow to make the user (elderly, special needs and lonely people) seek to solve loneliness through artificial intelligence.May 8, 20201May 8, 20201
Redesigning Zara’s app — UX Design Thinking challengeWe Are many people that go to the store and instead of being satisfied with what we bought, we leave the store thinking if there was…Mar 28, 2020Mar 28, 2020
Rediseñando la aplicación de ZARA — Reto UX desing thinkingSomos muchas las personas que vamos a comprar ropa y en vez de quedarnos satisfechos con lo que elegimos, nos vamos pensando si era mejor…Mar 26, 20201Mar 26, 20201