Published inUX PlanetCrisis in the flower market, a case study. Pt IIApplying the Design Thinking methodologyMay 20, 20201May 20, 20201
Published inUX PlanetCrisis in the flower market, a case study. Pt IUsing the Design Thinking methodologyMay 20, 2020May 20, 2020
Published inUX PlanetDESIGN SPRINT: The problem of loneliness and social isolation.“One can experience loneliness in two ways: by feeling lonely in the world or by feeling the loneliness of the world.”Apr 24, 2020Apr 24, 2020
Case Study: Rediseñando la Web del Ayuntamiento de Madrid.En este Case Study se nos plantea rediseñar la página del Ayuntamiento de Madrid, creando wireframes.Apr 7, 2020Apr 7, 2020