Published inHackerNoon.comThe Golden Age of Crowdsourcing: 3 Important LessonsCollect data from the user, not about the user.Sep 24, 2018Sep 24, 2018
Published inPrototyprHearthstone: Analysis of Lapsed Player Re-engagement FlowsThis post was originally appeared on my previous company’s blog earlier this year, but I am re-circulating here for keeping a history of my…Dec 12, 2017Dec 12, 2017Get an email whenever Peter K publishes.SubscribeBy signing up, you will create a Medium account if you don’t already have one. Review our Privacy Policy for more information about our privacy practices.Medium sent you an email at to complete your subscription.
Published inHackerNoon.comAnalysis of 100+ Product Manager Job DescriptionsA Data-Driven Approach to Articulating What a Product Manager Actually Does.Aug 22, 20175Aug 22, 20175
Published inUX PlanetGamification: Top 5 Key PrinciplesGamification is a buzzword that was relatively salient a few years ago, but has since dropped out of the vernacular of modern…Jul 3, 20175Jul 3, 20175
Published inUX PlanetGetting to Yes: Best Practices for iOS Permissions DialogsThe best ways to ask users for their iPhone permissions.Jun 16, 2017Jun 16, 2017
Published inThe Bigger PictureBehind the Scenes at Coachella: What I learned Working a Lemonade StandLessons learned from my brief stint as a lemonade gangster.May 9, 20171May 9, 20171
Gamification in 2017: Event at Dojo Co-workingThis week, I was fortunate enough to be able to speak at an event hosted by Dojo Bali Coworking. I spoke about Gamification, a buzz-word…Mar 16, 2017Mar 16, 2017