Published inEfigenceThe word ‘mobile’ is redundant when talking about bankingThe shift from desktop to mobile of web usage is what we observed a few years ago. We went ‘mobile-first’ and smartphones are the main way…Oct 15, 2018Oct 15, 2018
Published inUX PlanetHollywood movies every project manager should watchMost of us do not remember the third mission intended to land on the Moon. It was 1970 when the Apollo 13 was launched. However, we have…Sep 24, 2018Sep 24, 2018
Published inEfigenceThe end of fintech as we know itThe media coverage of the exchange between Orrin Hatch, the US Senator from Utah, and Mark Zuckerberg has been stripped of all context…Sep 17, 2018Sep 17, 2018
Published inEfigencePhygital insights: Technology anticipating expectationsWe have never seen such a strong interspersal of experiences from the real world and the digital world as today. Technologies that enable…Sep 14, 2018Sep 14, 2018
Published inEfigenceEven with Revolut you can’t travel for freeVacations are over. Kids are back to school. It was really salutary to switch off from work for a while. One spends more while not working…Sep 11, 2018Sep 11, 2018