Published inLeft Out of the WillA Brief History of the T-ShirtWhile it has become one of the most popular garments on the planet, the modern t-shirt has been a relatively brief staple in our…Jan 6, 202156Jan 6, 202156
Mathieu Flamini is thriving off the pitch!While he is most known for his play on the field, including time at AC Milan, sandwiched between two spells at Arsenal, Mathieu Flamini is…Nov 20, 20203Nov 20, 20203
Is Forest Green Rovers the future of football?I admit I hadn’t heard of Forest Green Rovers FC or what they’re doing until Hector Bellerin announced he had become a shareholder in the…Nov 20, 2020Nov 20, 2020
Published inDelusional AnthologyThe Most Expensive Nap — Short Story ExperimLanded in Milan airport, excited. Fucking Italy! Head to the exit. Sign Reads “Shuttle into city center.” Great. That’s what we need. Buy…Nov 15, 202035Nov 15, 202035
Published inDelusional AnthologyGod Left MeThe Boy did not grow up knowing God. He had heard stories but had never met Him, himself. The Boy had pondered whether God existed at all…Nov 14, 2020Nov 14, 2020
I was my most creative self when I was playing soccer.Soccer is a unique environment because no matter how much you train and work on possible scenarios before the game, those exact scenarios…Oct 17, 2020Oct 17, 2020
SketchUp is the easiest 3D collage toolI’ve been using SketchUp on and off for about 3 years now. I can model simple geometric things, such as rooms, bunkbeds, and building…Apr 12, 2020Apr 12, 2020
You and I could be in a game of FIFAMy dream as a kid was to become a professional soccer player. As I got older, my expectations started to lower, realizing I wasn’t as good…Apr 8, 20204Apr 8, 20204
I hope we are living in a simulation.It is my belief that humans are going to destroy themselves, likely within the next few generations. This may be through environmental…Apr 7, 2020Apr 7, 2020
The 3 soccer cards I spent the most on this week and WHYI’ve recently gotten into buying soccer cards as an investment. I’m not 100% sure if now is the best time with the impending…Apr 6, 202081Apr 6, 202081
My Top 3 Soccer Card Buys This Week Under $2I’ve recently just started to get into investing in soccer cards. Playing and watching the sport my whole life, I have a pretty good…Mar 31, 202053Mar 31, 202053
Published inPrototyprNot every project is what you think it will be. And that’s great!About a year and a half ago, I was inspired to do a 100-day challenge. I was going to design one app a day to help work on my UX skills…Jun 4, 201964Jun 4, 201964
How the Game Boy was the first all-in-one device.I grew up mainly in the early 2000s. My first Game Boy was the Game Boy Advance, followed by the Game Boy Advance SP. I was too young for…Apr 9, 2019281Apr 9, 2019281
Published inPrototyprGrowing an Idea from an Interest to a ProductI am a junior at Parsons School of Design, and this semester I decided to take a toy design class because, unlike most of my current…May 13, 20184011May 13, 20184011
Published inagri.cultureDriverless cars are deciding who lives and who dies. Improve your chances.A story of the near-futureApr 12, 20181Apr 12, 20181
Published inUX PlanetDesigning the perfect design class from a real student’s perspectiveAs a Design & Technology student at Parsons School of Design, I have recently been underwhelmed with my education. While I believe what I…Feb 19, 20181181Feb 19, 20181181
Why Gary Vaynerchuk hits home with millennials, and why I haven’t watched his videos in months.I first encountered Gary Vee in 2014 during my gap year between high school and college. My first interaction with him was his book, Jab…Nov 7, 201750Nov 7, 201750
Published inUX PlanetHow Snapchat is putting fulfillment at the forefrontIn Spike Jonze’s Her, (if you haven’t seen it, watch it) Samantha is an AI extension of the operating system that the main character…Oct 7, 2017229Oct 7, 2017229
Redesigning Apps for the PastFirst of all, if you haven’t read the manifesto for my 100 App Redesigns project, please read it. It will make sense of this and the…Oct 2, 201767Oct 2, 201767
100 App Redesigns: The ManifestoStarting today, Sept 26, I will be posting a new app redesign for 100 days to my blog. These redesigns will consist of one to two screens…Sep 26, 201721Sep 26, 201721