7 Best AI Writing Tools for Designers

to accelerate your work and improve your workflow

Edward Chechique
UX Planet


7 Best AI Writing Tools for Product Designers

Since I discovered AI writing tools two years ago, I have never looked back. In addition to helping me with tedious tasks, they also help me to think and develop more creative ideas.

During the past two years, I’ve tried a lot of AI text tools and bought several of them, so I was able also to test their advanced features.

In this article, I will explain the seven most effective AI writing tools for designers.

Are you ready to take your design process to the next level?

What is artificial intelligence for writing?

Artificial intelligence (AI) writing is the process of using AI-driven technologies to create written content. Contrary to AI tools that focus on images, like Midjourney and Stable Diffusion, AI writing tools focus on text.

AI writing tools generate content quickly, with minimal human effort. Since AI can understand context, it can generate content that’s relevant to the context.

Additionally, AI writing tools can improve grammar and spelling, making your content more professional and accurate. They can detect when a sentence is too long or overly complex and suggest rephrasing it for clarity.

It’s easy to think that the people who use it most are from the marketing side, for example, content writers. However, they can assist anyone with various tasks, such as replying to emails, preparing meeting summaries, and organizing information.

The tools can make your job easier, but they can’t do everything

Since AI has come into our lives, many people think we won’t need to work because ai writing apps will do it for us. However, it is not true.

To get the most effective results from the Tools, you will need to write clear prompts (Prompts are instructions we give them to explain what they need to do).

Writing clear prompts may seem simple, but it isn’t easy. The program will write what you ask for. However, you will need to change and tweak the results to be 100% accurate to what you wanted to say.

Additionally, these tools cannot replace your creative process; they can only assist you. Although you can ask them for suggestions, you are ultimately responsible for the ideas and the decisions.

For instance, if you are writing a message to the user, the tool can suggest words, phrases, and structures. However, you will still be the one who decides the final message.

Seven best AI writing tools for designers

Let’s review seven AI writing tools.


Wordtune is a Chrome extension that can rewrite your text. You can rewrite one sentence or an entire paragraph with five options available: Rewrite, write in a casual tone, write in a formal style, shorten the text, or expand the text.

Additionally, they offer an online text editor for writing text. The editor has an option called Spices. With spices, you can add more information to the text, like explaining, emphasizing a point, adding an opposing opinion, adding a joke, and more.

A cool feature is that you can also type in different languages, and Wordtune will translate it into English and give you different options to explain it.

It is important to mention that Wordtune is based on an AI model of AI21 Labs that differs from the GPT-3 from OpenAI.

If you want to try it, you can because it offers a free plan that you can use that generates up to 10 results per day.

In my opinion, Wordtune is the most effective tool for helping you write content. I use it daily, and I subscribe to the premium plan.



Nichesss is an AI writing tool that allows you to create content for a variety of uses by using the GPT-3 model from OpenAI. The tool is extremely versatile and can be used by many people, including marketers, job seekers, business people, podcasters, bloggers, and more.

You can do a lot with the Nichesss, including creating Facebook ads, AI art prompts, LinkedIn bios, employee reviews, podcast questions, and Twitter threads. Additionally, you can translate the content into many languages and set the tone of the voice.

The product has a very active Facebook group where users can share ideas and suggest improvements, and the creator frequently adds them.

A free trial version is available, and the basic paid plan costs 19$ per month, but nowadays, it has an offer on Appsumo for 59$ for a lifetime deal (a lifetime deal is when you pay once, and you can use the product forever).



Lex is an AI-driven writing app with an intuitive user interface that combines a word processor’s basic functionality, including heading styles, bold, italics, and underlining, with an artificial intelligence content generator.

This tool will come in handy if you ever get stuck in a writing block and need some inspiration. You need to type “+++”, and the tool will generate the next paragraph.

The “+++” command is like having a magical key to unlock the hidden potential of your creativity — no matter how stuck you may feel, the tool can generate the next paragraph you need to keep writing.

The tool also offers a small chat window where you can ask any question anytime. You can use the chat to find the information you need. Imagine you are writing about the designer Dieter Rames, but you do not remember his birthplace. You could use chat to find out.

Currently, the app is only open to some users. There is a waiting list now, but you can still register and be on the list if you want.



With Rytr, you can generate many different types of content. These include blog ideas & outlines, brand names, business idea pitches, cover letters, interview questions, job descriptions, profile bios, and more.

Due to this, the product can be used by a variety of people, such as marketing and media, entrepreneurs, recruiters, students, and professionals in general.

There are two features that I like; the first one is the magic command; basically, it is a free text box where you can ask whenever you want. For example, if you need to write a tweet, you can ask for ‘write me a tweet about the design system,’ and it will generate the tweet for you. That is an excellent way to find what you need quickly and easily.

The second feature is the image generator, which allows you to select text and run the function to create an image.

Another great benefit of this tool is that you can choose the tone and style that fits your needs, plus you can translate the content to different languages like Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, and more.

Furthermore, the interface includes a normal doc section where you can change specific content. For example, if you need to shorten or expand the text, select the text and run the command.

It has a free plan that gives you 10k characters a month and a paid plan. But you can start with the free plan and see if it fits your needs.



The Ocoya tool also allows you to generate content using AI. In addition, Ocoya can integrate with your social accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Shopify, and WooCommerce websites so you can publish directly to them.

As well as creating social media content, you can create other types of content with it. This includes SEO meta descriptions, brand descriptions, product reviews, Quora responses, blog posts, and more.

Since it is a tool for publishing content, it includes an analysis tool where you can get insights into the performance of your content.

About pricing, the Basic plan (they call it the Bronze plan) starts from $15, and it includes 100 copywriting ideas for five different accounts.



In my opinion, Grammarly is one of the most effective AI-powered writing tools available to content writers. It is an excellent product for anyone who deals with writing, whether for professional or educational purposes.

It helps improve content writing, grammar, spelling, and punctuation accuracy. The app works as a web extension, desktop app, online platform, and mobile application.

The main feature of this app is its spell checker, which ensures your work will look professional and is error-free. There is also a clarity and engagement checker, and you can write texts for different domains, intentions, audiences, and formalities in mind.

Additionally, it has a feature that checks for plagiarism to ensure the text you write is original, and if a similar text is found, it will compare it to it.

Even though there are many more advanced apps in the market in terms of features and capabilities, I prefer it because Grammarly is simple. After all, I do not have to think about different options. Usually, it understands me very well and gets me right to the point.

I recommend using the free version in any case since it includes a spelling checker. You’ll need to upgrade for other features, such as engagement and plagiarism checkers.



ChatGPT has been everywhere in the last few months, on social media, on websites, and in the news, and people talk about it everywhere, and with good reason. You can accomplish many things with ChatGPT since it is a simple chat engine based on artificial intelligence.

If the other tools we saw above focused on artificial intelligence writing, ChatGPT offers all of that and more. It can make calculations for you and give you information about anything. You can even ask it many history questions, and it will answer them accurately in most cases. Another example is that you can ask ChatGPT what gifts you can buy for your friends.

Here’s a prompt I wrote for it:

Can you suggest ten different gifts so I can select one to buy for my friend?

Here are some details about him and what he likes:

  • He likes football and is a Real Madrid fan.
  • He runs 5 kilometers every day.
  • He has an iPhone and a Macbook.
  • He works as a Python developer.
  • He likes to travel.

Here are the ChatGPT suggestions:

  • A Real Madrid football jersey.
  • A high-tech fitness tracker.
  • A portable iPhone/Macbook battery pack.
  • A book on Python development or a new coding tool.
  • A passport holder or a travel guidebook.
  • A running shirt or shorts.
  • A subscription to a sports magazine.
  • A high-quality pair of running shoes.
  • A coffee mug or flask for his morning runs.
  • A travel photography book or a gift card for a photography store.

Unlike other tools, the chat has memory, so it remembers what you asked, so the next answer is based on the knowledge it gained from the conversation. If the results are inaccurate for your purposes, you can write them and get more accurate results.

To get great results, you must write a clear set of instructions (Prompt) explaining what you want ChatGPT will do. Prompt writing is not easy, and you must repeat it many times before getting an accurate answer.

The service is free, and a paid program will be launched with more features soon.

Below you will find links to 3 articles I wrote that show how I used ChatGPT for different tasks, including developing a Figma plugin, although I do not know how to write code.

To summary

This article aimed to show you seven AI writing tools to make your work more efficient.

Firstly, we reviewed what artificial intelligence writing tools are, and I explained why they could not do all the work for you, although they can help you start your writing task and break your writing block.

Afterward, we walked through seven tools that you can use. I reviewed the main features of each tool and tried to explain what made them unique.

One more thing

In this context, I would like to mention that I plan to launch a workshop in the near future showcasing different uses for AI writing and image generator tools.

If you’re interested, please enter here.

Thank you for reading the article. I hope this article opened your eyes to the different AI tools you can use. Please feel free to share it with your friends or team members, and if you have any questions, please let me know.

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Product Designer, Specializing in Complex Products and Design Systems | Figma Expert | Mentorship | Writing about Product Design: www.linkedin.com/in/edwche