Creating Free Sketch Templates: User Personas & Journey Maps
Quick and easy-to-use templates for your next UX project 😎
What are User Personas? 👫
User personas are representations of major user groups, created in product or service design projects. They help design teams and their clients empathize with the needs and preferences of their users. Imaginary yet embodying real-world qualities, a user persona visualizes the main characteristics, ambitions, and frustrations of a group of users — via extensive qualitative and quantitative user research— from Interaction Design Foundations

What are Journey Maps? 🗺
Journey maps are used by UX design teams and marketing (as well as other business departments) to better understand their customers (or users). The idea is a simple one, to map the relationship between a customer and an organization over time and across all channels that they interact with the business on. It is always told from the customer’s expectation but also incorporates the touch-points between business and user experience requirements as the journey progresses — from Interaction Design Foundations

Motivation behind this project 👨🏻💻
Most of the times when I worked on projects, I needed to utilize both user personas and journey maps to better understand the users and to empathize with them. Therefore, I searched for free templates that I could use during my design process. Also, I hoped to later showcase them in my portfolio website so that they help others to visualize and understand better.
On popular places like Uplabs and SketchAppSources, there were some free User Persona and Journey Map templates but there weren’t many that I could choose from (maybe less than five). Of course, there is no problem using the same designs over and over again for my projects but you know, sometimes you just want to try different ones, especially if they’re easier to use and look nicer. Moreover, there were a few more designs that I found from other places on the web BUT, I had to pay money in order to download them which sucked.
Soon, I realized that there were others who ran into the same problem which motivated me to get started on this project. My objective was to come up with four (4) templates for each User Personas and Journey Maps. Not only I needed to make them super useful but also, look attractive and easy to modify for people who decide to use them.

Snapshot of the Process 🎨
#1. Collect & analyze existing designs and templates
#2. Make a list of the necessary contents that templates should have
#3. Create mock user scenarios and express them in the designs
#4. Group and name layers well for quick and easy modifications
#5. Distribute them for FREE!

Where to download them 📥
User Persona Templates
Journey Map Templates

What they look like in high-resolution 👀
User Persona Templates

Journey Map Templates