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If you think, that project is finished when the last block on the page is done, please work on all fixes from the client and read this article very attentively. Design is not drawing and not a pixel-movement. It’s complicated, systematic process, where one of the most important stages is an explanation to the client what was done and what for. What is the right delivery and how o present your design-solution for the business of the client?

Step 0. Check your design before the delivery
It’s not important if you deliver a part of the project only or a full mockup, re-check everything in the mockup attentively.
Among the most common designers’ mistakes:
- logic: wrong order and naming of pages, odd elements in the work file;
An example of good naming:

- an absence of all necessary additional states of screens. It’s easy to miss obvious additional states, that can be really important both for developers and for clients.
- links between screens — check all links and if the website has everything from the site-map.
- meeting of client requirements. It’s okay to do a good design — but what if it’s not what your client needs? Make sure, that design is a visualization of clients requirements from the brief.
An example of a well-organized file:

Keep basic things in mind: like checking if colours in the mockup are the same as brand colours sent by the client (of course, if you were asked to keep the brand identity the same as it was before), and spaces between blocks.
Step 1. Record QuickTime
You know your mockup. You looked at it for weeks. But your client has no idea of what you created and where are certain pages. It doesn’t matter how professional in the design your client is, you’d better record a video for him.