Design tokens: unifying design and development efforts

Design tokens are data-driven design decisions that ensure consistent and unified product experiences. They facilitate collaboration between designers and developers, streamlining workflows and enhancing communication for efficient and cohesive designs.

Arlene Xu
UX Planet


Image of Lego pieces

In the fast-paced world of modern design, the term “design tokens” is often heard but can be met with varied interpretations. In this article, I will discuss the meaning of design tokens and delve into the process of building exceptional design tokens that enhance collaboration between designers and developers.

What Are Design Tokens?

Design tokens can be best described as design decisions represented as data, enabling systematically unified and cohesive product experiences. They act as building blocks, much like Lego pieces, that come together to form UI kits and components in design files. By utilizing design tokens, coding can be simplified and ensure consistency across all product experiences.

Why Use Design Tokens?

The use of design tokens offers several key benefits, including:

  1. Unity: Design tokens foster a sense of unity and coherence throughout a product, aligning various elements and components.
  2. Flexibility: By decoupling design details from the underlying code, design tokens facilitate flexibility, allowing for easier adjustments and updates.
  3. Communication and Understanding: Design tokens bridge the gap between design and development, enhancing communication and understanding between designers and developers.

How to Build Design Tokens: A Guide for Designers

Both designers and developers share the desire to simplify workflows. Here’s a step-by-step guide to building effective design tokens:

Step 1

Identify Repetitively Used Design Values. Take note of all the design values that are frequently repeated, such as main colors. These values will form the foundation of your design tokens.

Screenshot of Tailwind UI Color design tokens
Tailwind UI Color

Step 2

Define Commonly Used Sizes Clarify and define the sizes commonly used throughout your designs, such as font size and border-radius. These size-related design tokens will contribute to the overall consistency and cohesiveness.

Screenshot of Tailwind UI Font size design tokens
Tailwind UI Font Size

Step 3

Collaborate and Seek Feedback from Developers To create design tokens that meet the needs of your specific project, it’s essential to collaborate closely with developers. They are the primary users of design tokens, and their insights and requirements should be carefully considered.

Screenshot of Figma give feedback


In conclusion, design tokens serve as the data representing design decisions, benefiting designers, developers, and the entire team. Utilizing design tokens can maintain product flexibility and unity while fostering effective collaboration and communication between designers and developers.


Tokens in Design Systems

Design tokens

