Fell in love with an idea you will change later

Felipe Sbravate
UX Planet
Published in
5 min readJul 17, 2018


But I'll delete you

We all lived that phase of arrogance, owners of opinions about anything. It’s part of what we are, I believe it’s a thing we just live and having these moments in our lives just state our hungry for more, a kind of ambition.

But after some time we start to understand that we need to be more detached, that we really don't know everything and listen to learn is always better than stand for an idea we are not sure, and have sure about our designs and problems to solve is quite important to achieve our goals. It's only possible asking, studying, researching, testing.

In a project, our first approach is to understand exactly what it is. What, why, how and for who, are the questions that must drive us, they will give us practically all informations we need. Add it to already existing datas and we have the guess. The guess is our very first creation, is our initial raw idea that lead us through our journey to find the best solution. But the true is that go through this isn't easy and there are things we really need to know.

Eureka! Eurekas don't work

Eureka is one of the most overrated things when we talk about creativity. Eureka moments happen, for sure, but as any idea it need to be validated. Throughout the years and more experienced we start to learn that good work usually doesn't come from a genial moment of Eureka, instead, the hard work is responsible for this. Iteration is the answer. When we are satisfied with the best apple on the ground it blindes us to noticed how many better others are on the tree, and that's the trick.

Sometimes the first idea is the best? Yes, sometimes. But if we don't try any other how can we know this is the best one? Keep trying, testing, exhaustively, when you are tired and satisfied enough, this is the time you can realize with which idea you go forward.

Be romantic is good, but even romantic people need a dose of pragmatism.

A matter of passion and timing

When we are at home after a great night with an amazing person normally it is time to rise the yellow flag; He or She is this amazing or just the moment was amazing? And what we do after the first date? Try it again.

With an idea happens the same. When an idea comes to us beautifully, we need to be passionate about it. Hold it tight, handle it, try things, explore its most incredible characteristics and see if it worths. And I can affirm, it always worths even if you realize it's not as good as you thought.

Ideas fit, don't fit and sometimes almost fit in what sort of solution you are looking for. And there are times that if one idea was great in the beginning it could doesn't work anymore in the future. Your business changes, your market changes, your constraints, your problems change. Always be aware of the moment you are to understand when it's time to change or at least adjust something, it can be the watershed in your product, and if the amazing solution you have now does not fit in your needs anymore, even it's being a great one, drop it, you are growing and grownups know when it's time to move on.

I said business changes, right? So in the same way, if one idea doesn't work now, drop it but also save it. Many times a great solution is just not ready in determined moment. How many amazing products failed in the past and now they are just successful new versions of what they were in the past? The Microsoft Tablet PC showed in 2001 by Bill Gates and released in 2002 came alongside the statement "Within five years I predict it will be the most popular form of PC sold in America". The whole story we all know, the Tablet PC failed miserably couple years later and in 2010 (8 years after) Steve Jobs presented us the iPad, a completely success, being sold more than 350 millions since then.

Yes, Bill… It is, it is.

So never lose your passion and always be aware of where you are and what you need. People usually know what they want, but what is really needed, only who has a whole picture in front of you can know.

Learn to listen!

I guess this is one of the most treated topics regarding design, but what can I do if it's still one of the most important?

Listening is the key. Your passion is, in the same time, your friend and your enemy. Be in love with an idea will help you to explore it in its totality but also it narrows your view. If it's not "ready" — if we can say that— share it with your most trusted friends or colleagues first. Early impressions are gold when we are talking about guesses, they will help you to add other perceptions on it, perspectives that you are not opened to noticed.

For instance, at Klarna once a week we designers sit together and open whatever we are working on, even really initial designs just to get a feedback, explain what it is and trade ideas. Listening to other designers points of view help us a lot to explore possibilities we were not able to realize before the meeting. Then we keep exploring it, testing and validating, and this last on is the most important. Validation come from your customers, doesn't matter if you believe your design solution is great if they don't. Therefore, never ever put yourself above them, our customers’ voice is the most valuable data any business can have, so let’s make it worths.

Listening is one of the most humble ways to learn, never underestimate that. Good listeners become wise people and best designers.

Working as designers we know that at the end of the day ideas are our highest value, they are what we have of best. Our technical capacity, aesthetic, apps knowledge, these are just tools. Use your capacity to think creatively, wisely and the rest will work naturally. We just need to keep passionate about our work and change everything if it’s necessary.



I’m a Brazilian product, digital, visual, brand, or whatever, designer based in Stockholm. Currently Senior Design Manager @ Volvo Cars