In The End, is The Metaverse Happening or Not ?

We will live in a connected world, but not as Meta imagine it

Reda Attarça
UX Planet


Meta logo
Photo by Dima Solomin on Unsplash

Facebook/ Meta is still at the forefront of technology news with the famous metaverse.

The big news of the moment are interrelated: Meta needs blockchain and NFTs to spread, be understood, and accepted by the general public to be able to reproduce real-world monetary exchanges and property rights in its metaverse.

NFTs are at the forefront of technological news, blockchain with crypto-currencies has become something common and the metaverse feeds articles that present it sometimes as a revolution, sometimes as a futile project.

The question of the importance of the metaverse in tomorrow’s world needs to be decided once and for all so we can focus on the research and innovation that will matter tomorrow.

The metaverse will never be what Facebook imagined, but new technologies will be exploited to make us more and more connected.



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