Laws of UX that Airbnb follows

Abdul Wahab
UX Planet
Published in
3 min readMay 30, 2023


In this article, I address the remarkable UX strategies and principles employed by Airbnb in their mobile app design, resulting in an exceptionally functional and efficient user experience. So, without any delay, let’s dive right in and explore these fascinating insights!

Laws of UX that Airbnb follows — Medium Cover
Laws of UX that Airbnb follows — Medium Cover

1. Hick’s Law

Airbnb limits choices to aid quick decision-making. Focusing on relevant listings streamlines booking.

Airbnb app screenshot from Mobbin
Airbnb app screenshot from Mobbin

The time to make a decision increases with the number of choices.

2. Fitts’s Law

Airbnb’s prominent “Confirm and pay” button on the confirmation screen reduces effort and follows Fitts’s Law.

Airbnb app screenshot from Mobbin
Airbnb app screenshot from Mobbin

The time it takes to reach a target depends on its distance and size.

3. Law of Proximity

By grouping related information, Airbnb helps users perceive relationships and access details faster.

Airbnb app screenshot from Mobbin
Airbnb app screenshot from Mobbin

Elements placed close together are perceived as related.

4. Jakob’s Law

Airbnb aligns its navigation and layout with familiar patterns from other platforms, reducing the learning curve for users.

Airbnb app screenshot from Mobbin
Airbnb app screenshot from Mobbin

Users spend most of their time on other sites; designs should be consistent with familiar patterns.

5. Law of Symmetry

Airbnb uses symmetrical layouts and graphical elements for a visually appealing interface that enhances the user experience.

Airbnb app screenshot from Mobbin
Airbnb app screenshot from Mobbin

Symmetrical elements are perceived as visually appealing.

6. Miller’s Law

Airbnb simplifies form filling by minimizing inputs, reducing cognitive load, and streamlining the process.

Airbnb app screenshot from Mobbin
Airbnb app screenshot from Mobbin

The average person can only hold a limited amount of information in working memory.


To conclude, Airbnb serves as an exceptional example of effectively implementing UX laws to deliver a seamless user experience. By integrating principles such as Hick’s Law, Fitts’s Law, and other UX laws, Airbnb has crafted an intuitive and efficient user interface. The app simplifies the intricate process of navigation through the strategic utilization of visual cues, user-friendly icons, and clear instructions.

Overall, Airbnb’s user-friendly interface and personalized approach have established a new standard for UX design, positioning it as a benchmark for other applications to aspire to. As Airbnb continues its journey of innovation and evolution, we can anticipate further groundbreaking changes that will consistently enhance the user experience.

Wahab (Mid-level Product Designer)

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Product designer with a coding background (CS) and a passion for creating experiences that bring art and technology together