Member-only story
Mentoring is the best way to become a better UX designer
If you aren’t mentoring, you’re missing out
I applied to ADPList.org and was rejected not too long ago. Since volunteering as a Math tutor in middle school and high school, I have been hooked on the feeling of being able to mentor others.
Is it all altruistic? Absolutely not. I get a huge rush when people listen to me (genuinely listen to me). I feel so fulfilled when I see people succeed, and I know that people like me in some part because I try to be kind and because I want to help people. When I die, I hope that’s what people think of me.
The benefits from mentoring are not only emotional: it’s one of the quickest ways to become a better UX designer. And here’s the secret: you don’t have to have 5 years of experience like ADPList claims in order to help others, if you are even a few steps ahead, you can help people.
Explaining is Internalizing
When you explain something to someone, you are forced to:
- evaluate your own understanding of a certain subject
- Summarize your thoughts
- repeat information in a succinct and simple way
- reflect on your own situation learning about the subject to see the…