Member-only story
The Problem With Average Solutions
And other issues between

A couple of years ago, Wordpress had a security flaw, and once they fixed it, they asked all their users and customers to update to the newest version. Unfortunately, many people didn’t want to. After the Wordpress team gave it some thought, they came up with an unusual solution. During their next email update, they said they introduced five new emojis. And their users began updating the app.
We humans tend to notice things which are weird and not the ones which come as normal or usual. It is because evolution trained us to notice the unusual so we can survive in unknown situations.
If you are following and believing in the standard thought of school of economics, you have the idea that every transaction around us is done based on full trust and clarity. You think that people know exactly what they want, and every transaction is done under a perfect use of information. If you are one of those people, you…